Adjustable Column With Interchangeable Cap Plates

Adjustable Columns

Designed with an embedded fastening unit in the top of the Lally Lock Adjustable Columns, these columns offer the ability to use different cap plates. The adjustable columns come in 3” or 4” diameter, constructed using 11-gauge steel. A 4 5/8” x 5 3/8” x 3/8” Standard Cap Plate comes with each column; however, it can be switched in the field for an interchangeable Lally Lock Beam or Saddle Plate. These plates are used to help with lateral displacement and heavier loads.

These adjustable columns have an easy adjustable base that allows an adjustment up to 4”. A 2 and 1 adjustment tool is included with the column. This tool has one end that is a wrench used for the base adjustment. The other end is an allen wrench for changing out the top plate.

Please consult local building codes and inspectors before installing.

Available Plates

lally column

Adjustable Column Cap Plate (Included)

*This cap plate comes attached to the column.* This plate is 4 5/8” x 5 3/8” x 3/16” made in 10-gauge steel. With a center sink hole, the plate screws into the column. The plate has either one keyhole or one 3/8” hole located in each corner to attach the plate to the beam.

lally column beam plate

Interchangeable Lally Lock Beam Plate

*This cap plate is sold separately.* Made from 1/4” low carbon steel. The plate has two keyholes and two 3/8” holes with a 19/32” counter sunk hole in the center of the plate to accept a 1/2” bolt. The plate can be used for a 3 1/2” or 4” column.

Sizes & Codes

3 1/8” for 2 2x’s – BULB01
3 5/8” for 2 LVL – BULB02
4 5/8” for 3 2x’s – BULB03
5 3/8” for 3 LVL – BULB04
6 1/8” for 4 2x’s – BULB05
7 1/8” for 4 LVL – BULB06

saddle plate for decing

Interchangeable Lally Lock Saddle Plate

*This cap plate is sold separately.* Made from 12 gauge low carbon steel with eight 3/16” holes. A specially designed hole and bolt to connect the plate to the column is located in the center of the plate.

Sizes & Codes

3 1/8” x 11 ½” for 2 2x’s – BULS01
3 5/8” x 11 ½” for 2 LVL – BULS02
4 5/8” x 11 1/2” for 3 2x’s – BULS03
5 3/8” x 11 ½” for 3 LVL – BULS04
6 1/8” x 11 ½” for 4 2x’s – BULS05
7 1/8” x 11 ½” for 4 LVL – BULS06

Installation Instructions

Begin installing an adjustable hollow column by choosing the correct size and quantity called out by engineered drawings, local codes, and any regional requirements prior to installation. If a Lally Lock Beam plate or Lally Lock Saddle plate is desired, use an allen wrench or the end of wrench supplied to loosen the bolt on the cap plate of the adjustable column. Attach desired plate with the same bolt. Position the column with adjustment side down on a properly rated footing. Make sure the column is vertically flush under the support beam. Using our 2 and 1 wrench tool, make adjustments at the base until the top of the column is tight to the beam. The column must be adjusted to ensure it is full bearing of the beam on the cap plate. Secure the cap plate with the appropriate fasteners using the hole openings on the plate as your guide. Finish by pouring the concrete floor and encase the adjustment assembly which will properly secure the base of your column.

Size and Load Chart

psw adjustable column load chart

*The table above was created for Dean Column Co., Inc. by licensed Professional Engineer Joseph Schmitt, State of New York.

Ultimate Load: The specific load that a structure, member or part must withstand without failure.

Safe Load: A load determined by using a safety factor.

Safety Factor: A factor that engineers use to allow for the failure stress or stresses assumed to exist in a structure or a member. It provides a margin of error in the strength, rigidity, deformation, and endurance of a structure or its component parts to compensate for irregularities in structural materials and workmanship, uncertainties involved in mathematical analysis and stress distribution, service deterioration, and other unevaluated conditions.

Dead Load: A static load due to the weight of the structure.

Live Load: A dynamic load (such as traffic) that is applied to a structure suddenly or that is accompanied by vibration, oscillation, or other conditions that affects its intensity.

Structural Lock System Components

Lock Column

Our patented Lally Lock columns are concrete-filled and are available in 3 1/2″ or 4″ outside diameter.

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Our system allows users to simply screw in any of our cap plates into a 6″ threaded rod.

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Our base plates are designed to disperse a wide range of load configurations.

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Our columns come 3″ & 4″ in diameter and are constructed using 11 gauge steel.

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